Resveratrol Research

What is Reseratrol
Resveratrol is a phytoalexin or anti-bacterial and antifungal materials produced naturally by some plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi.
Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant and is mostly found in red grape skin. It is an essential ingredient of red wines constituting the health benefits of drinking red wine regularly.
What is the amount of Resveratrol content in ordinary red wine?
The amount of resveratrol in a standard 750ml bottle of ordinary red wine is between 1.5mg to 5.5mg.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to killing fat cells & fighting obesity?
Resveratrol kills fat cells. In addition, it inhibits production of cytokines, which are a group of protein and peptides involved in the development of obesity-related disorders.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to reversing aging?
Resveratrol has potent anti-aging actions. In fact, it is the first supplement even found to activate the longevity gene. It is believed that the cell divides more times to new cell before dying.
Further, scientific reports and research indicates that resveratrol improved the functioning of mitochondria, which are the tiny organs inside cells that produce the energy for the cell.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to preventing heart disease and inflammation?
Resveratrol has been found to inhibit the activity of several inflammatory enzymes which is involved in heart disease. Also, inflammation disease may result in accumulation of cholesterol plaque in artery wall that leads to heart attack and stroke.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to lowering cholesterol?
Lower cholesterol is one of the most important things people can do to prevent heart disease. Resveratrol does that naturally.
It is found that resvervatrol not only lower the VLDL and LDL( the bad cholesterol), it also suppress the production of triglyceride.
What is the linkage of Resvervatrol to reducing radical damage?
Resveratrol is a powderful anti-oxidant to protect the cells from being damaged by the free radicals, more effective than vitamin E.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to boosting energy and endurance?
Resveratrol boosts muscles endurance by increasing the energy-producing components within muscle cells, called mitochondria. Mitochondria play a crucial role in burning fat to provide fuel for endurance exercise and making body slimmer.
What is the linkage of Resveratrol to protecting brain cells-Alzheimer’s?
Resveratrol is also effective against dysfunction and death of neuronal cells, which is why it helps the body to fight disease such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s. It has been proven that resveratrol protects the brain against free radicals produced by the unusual peptide of an Alzheimer’s patient and keep the cell alive.
Are resvervatrol food supplements permitted in other countries?
Resveratrol capsules are already very popular in Australia, European Union countries and USA.
What is the use of graph seed extract?
Grape seed extract contains chemicals known as polyphenol, which is an effective anti-oxidant.
Do taking resveratrol has other side effect?
There are no known side effects reported. However, as with most dietary supplement, resveratrol should not be used by pregnant and lactating woman.
Pomegranate health benefits
Pomegranate medicinal properties were known from ancient times and as such was used for various health reasons.
Pomegranate is a source of polyphenols known for its strong anti- oxidative properties. In few clinical trials it showed beneficial effect on cardiovascular system including atherosclerosis (“hardening of blood vessels”), cholesterol, blood pressure and heart attack.
Pomegranate is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels, including high blood pressure, congestive heart failure (CHF), heart attack, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. It is also used for conditions of the digestive tract, including diarrhea, dysentery, and tapeworm and other intestinal parasites.
Some people use pomegranate for flu, swelling of the lining of the mouth (stomatitis), gum disease, erectile dysfunction (ED), diabetes and a complication called acidosis, bleeding, and HIV disease. It is also used for preventing prostate cancer, obesity, and weight loss. Some women use pomegranate to cause an abortion.
Pomegranate is used as a gargle for sore throat, and it is applied to the skin to treat hemorrhoids.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is unique among plants. The only other plant that is closely related is a small tree commonly known as the pomegranate tree or Socotran pomegranate (Punica protopunica) and grows only on the Socotra island in Yemen.
Pomegranate has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of diseases. It is in Greek, Hebrew, Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian mythology and writings. It is described in records dating from around 1500 BC as a treatment for tapeworm and other parasites.
Many cultures use pomegranate as a folk medicine. Pomegranate is native to Iran. It is primarily cultivated in Mediterranean counties, parts of the United States, Afghanistan, Russia, India, China, and Japan. You’ll see pomegranate in some royal and medical coats of arms.
How does it work?
Pomegranate contains a variety of chemicals that might have antioxidant effects. Some preliminary research suggests that chemicals in pomegranate juice might slow the progression of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and possibly fight cancer cells. But it is not known if pomegranate has these effects when people drink the juice.